Ecoduct T-Piece

The Ecoduct T-Piece is compatible for use with the Ecoduct 300 series.

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Ecoduct is the lightweight alternative to sheetmetal ductwork, and with no risk of corrosion, it has a longer lifespan which ensures there is no need to ever have the ductwork replaced. Ecoduct low profile duct systems can be fully sealed using a fire seal mastic duct sealant.

Ecoduct low profile duct systems can be fully sealed using a fire seal mastic duct sealant, which is our recommended method of sealing.

Ecoduct is designed, developed and manufactured locally in Geelong, Victoria. Our manufacturing facility is one of the first in Australia to incorporate technology where we can utilise up to 50 percent recycled PVC, specifically formulated to exceed industry standards, resulting in the end product being 100 percent recyclable.

The green colouring of Ecoduct products is our brand of quality – providing assurance that they are fully compliant with the safety standards for ignitability, flame propagation, heat and smoke release that apply to polymer ducting.

The Ecoduct T-Piece is suitable for use with all products in the Ecoduct 300 Series.